The initial python program, written with Pydroid3, outputted a string (either Jimmy was insulting or Jimmy wasn't insulting) and an associated probability of the string's occurrence. Here, Jimmy beat the odds and became insulting. The final version includes an environmental modifier, Jimmy's stress level. In this output, the stress modifier can lower or raise the base probability of the string occurrence. #The Code import random from itertools import chain action_score1= random.randint(1,5) action1="insulting others" agent_name= "Jimmy" stress= random.randint(-10,10)/10 stress_modifier= stress*0.2 def action_probability(score): match(score): case(1): return 0.1 case(2): return 0.2 case(3): return 0.5 case(4): ...
Here, I am generating multiple events for a character. Each output has a two sentence storyline. Jimmy will not be stirred up easily. Jimmy has not insulted others. Olmec is stirred up easily. Olmec insulted others. Nemo will not be stirred up easily. Nemo is not insulting others. #the code import random from itertools import chain agent_name= "Nemo" class insulting(): def __init__(self): self.score = random.randint(1,5) self.text = ["insulted others","is insulting others","will insult others"] self.text_not = ["has not insulted others","is not insulting others","will not insult others"] self.factors = ["agreeableness","cooperation","pleasantness","rudeness"] class stirred_up(): def __init__(self): self.score = random.randint(1,5) ...
Here, ALO and ELO stand for Agent Ledger Object and Environmental Ledger Object, respectively. Both are examples of Entity Ledger Objects (ELOs from here on out). Event Scripts modify the features and associated stats of ELOs. Status is the text description of an ELO state or change. The Scenario is formed by the interaction among one or more ELOs, their Event Scripts and Statuses. This post is a continuation of:
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